Growing threat landscapes and technological advancements are raising the complexities of data center (DC) design and operations. Organizations can largely benefit by offloading the technical conundrum to data center experts who could provide more than just technical directions. Kainth Technology Solutions (KTS) is one of the leading services provider to offer data center operations solutions across North America and worldwide. Our DC team is expert in consolidation and transformation for large and small DC’s across region and global. Our DC architects provides consultative approach for high-performance design by leveraging their battle-tested experience.
Data Center Assessment – Our assessment service helps organizations to understand the operational efficiencies of their DC’s. The DC team at KTS utilizes a four-phase approach to validate the operations and current state of your data center against the industry best practices.
Our Range of Data Center Solution and Services
At KTS, we have the right people with the experience to offer you value-added services for your DC needs. KTS offers a wide selection of DC solutions tailored to your strategic and operational goals:
Data Center Design and Transformation – Technical advancements in industry have evolved the DC’s and enabled organizations for optimized resource utilization and increased IT flexibility. Many DC’s are currently powered by server and storage virtualization technologies to provide increased resiliency to mission critical workloads. Whether you are looking for a new DC or seeking help with leveraging your current DC investments in transformation to a more resilient design, KTS can provide end-to-end services.
Data Center Operations and Processes Management – The increased DC complexities have barred IT leaders to staff expertise for all areas involved. Give KTS an opportunity to leverage their team of experts in delivering services like.:
- Managed DC services
- Hands-and-eyes services
- Change control management
- Racking, stacking and cabling devices
- Compute, storage and network capacity planning
- Outsource/insource/blended network operations center (NOC)
Data Center Relocation and Migration – Numerous organizations have successfully relocated their DC without help from any external IT partner. To manage the complexities, reduce burden on internal resource, minimizing risks and to accelerate the project, many organizations seek DC relocation experts like KTS. Some organization also pick external IT partners for bits and pieces of the DC relocation efforts. The DC team at KTS can help you with any or all objectives of your DC relocation while meeting your application availability needs.
No matter what is your business size and how complex is your IT infrastructure, we assure you cost-effective data center solutions and services to enable a high-performance infrastructure.
Contact us today to book a FREE assessment and/or to discuss your business needs.